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Buy Canon GL1 MiniDV Digital Camcorder with Lens & Optical Image Stabilization

November 24, 2012

Canon GL1 MiniDV Digital Camcorder with Lens & Optical Image Stabilization

Canon GL1 MiniDV Digital Camcorder with Lens & Optical Image Stabilization

Canon GL1 MiniDV Digital Camcorder with Lens & Optical Image Stabilization features:

The Canon GL1 (and its big brother, the XL1) are helping to blur the line between consumer and professional video equipment. This camcorder borrows most of the professional-quality components from the XL1 and puts them into a more compact, affordable camera. Though it’s small enough to carry around and doesn’t cost much more than a top-of-the-line consumer camcorder, the GL1 produces such high-quality results that it could be used as a broadcast video camera.
Great movies start with great CCD sensors, and Canon cuts no corners here. For the best possible picture quality, they use three separate 270,000-pixel CCDs (one for each primary color). To further improve image detail, Canon has intentionally shifted the green CCD half a pixel horizontally and vertically. This shift allows more accur

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