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Review Canon XF100 Professional Camcorder with 10x HD Video lens, Compact Flash (CF) Recording

November 24, 2012

Canon XF100 Professional Camcorder with 10x HD Video lens, Compact Flash (CF) Recording

Canon XF100 Professional Camcorder with 10x HD Video lens, Compact Flash (CF) Recording

Canon XF100 Professional Camcorder with 10x HD Video lens, Compact Flash (CF) Recording features:

MPEG-2 compression is both highly reliable and versatile. Developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group (MPEG), it is one of the most widely used compression schemes in the industry for camera acquisition, over the air broadcast, cable and satellite TV. Canon’s adaptation of MPEG-2 for the XF100 Professional Camcorder, named the Canon XF Codec, ensures the widest compatibility with existing industry infrastructure and non-linear editing (NLE) systems. As well, by using an MXF file wrapper, video and audio can be wrapped in a single file along with important metadata.

The XF100 supports the highest HD quality with Full HD 1920×1080 resolution, up to a 50Mbps bit rate and 4:2:2 color sampling.

4:2:2 color sampling provides twice the color resolution of HDV and other codecs that use 4:2:0

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