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Review Canon XL1 Digital Camcorder Kit

November 24, 2012

Canon XL1 Digital Camcorder Kit

Canon XL1 Digital Camcorder Kit

Canon XL1 Digital Camcorder Kit features:

The Canon XL1 is helping to blur the line between consumer and professional video equipment. Though it’s small enough to carry around and doesn’t cost much more than a top-of-the-line consumer camcorder, the XL1 produces such high-quality results that many independent filmmakers have started using it instead of a traditional film camera.
Great movies start with great CCD sensors, and Canon cuts no corners here. For the best possible picture quality, they use three separate 270,000 pixel CCDs (one for each primary color). To further improve image detail, Canon has intentionally shifted the green CCD half a pixel horizontally and vertically. This shift allows more accurate interpolation, resulting in an image that Canon claims rivals those from cameras with 410,000 pixel CCDs. Each pixel is

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