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Review Panasonic HDC-HS900K 3 MOS 220GB HDD 3D Compatible Camcorder (Black)

November 24, 2012

Panasonic HDC-HS900K 3 MOS 220GB HDD 3D Compatible Camcorder (Black)

Panasonic HDC-HS900K 3 MOS 220GB HDD 3D Compatible Camcorder (Black)

Panasonic HDC-HS900K 3 MOS 220GB HDD 3D Compatible Camcorder (Black) features:

Advanced 3MOS System

Advanced 3MOS System The Advanced 3MOS System records beautifully natural images with powerful colors and detailed rendering in both bright and dark scenes. The Noise Reduction technology that goes to work when shooting in dim lighting has evolved even further in 2011 models, allowing them to reduce noise by approximately 45% compared to previous Panasonic models.* The Advanced 3MOS System, which is comprised of the 3MOS Sensor that captures images without color loss, the Leica Dicomar Lens that excels with its large, bright aperture, and the Crystal Engine PRO that increases image resolution, produces colorful, bright, beautiful images in Full-HD quality.

* Compared with the HDC-SD700, HDC-TM700, and HDC-HS700.
3MOS Sensor

Advanced 3MOS SystemThe 900 Series and SD

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