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Review Panasonic HDC-SD90K 3D Compatible SD Memory Camcorder (Black)

November 24, 2012

Panasonic HDC-SD90K 3D Compatible SD Memory Camcorder (Black)

Panasonic HDC-SD90K 3D Compatible SD Memory Camcorder (Black)

Panasonic HDC-SD90K 3D Compatible SD Memory Camcorder (Black) features:

28mm Wide Angle*

28mm Wide The 28mm wide-angle* on the HD 90 Series fits more people and more of the background into the frame than conventional models. This is especially handy when you want to take a group photo in a small room. It fits your subjects in even when you shoot from up close, and makes it possible to pick up even small sounds with the mic. It also gives you entirely new ways to enjoy your camcorder, like taking self portraits or capturing sweeping landscapes without losing the sense of scale.

* 35mm camera equivalent

Intelligent 40x Zoom and HYBRID O.I.S.

Power O.I.S. HybridThe HD 90 Series features a an Intelligent Zoom function that goes all the way up to 40x. When using Intelligent Zoom, Intelligent Resolution technology lets you shoot at high zoom rates while pres

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