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Review Panasonic PV-GS80 MiniDV Camcorder with 32x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom

November 24, 2012

Panasonic PV-GS80 MiniDV Camcorder with 32x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom

Panasonic PV-GS80 MiniDV Camcorder with 32x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom

Panasonic PV-GS80 MiniDV Camcorder with 32x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom features:

Manufacturer Description
Imagine taking video shots on a moving boat and then viewing them on a large-screen TV. They’re likely to appear blurry from the boat’s movement and from your unsteady hands. Panasonic solves this problem with O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer), which minimizes hand-shake in situations where it is most often a problem, such as with zoom shots — or on a moving boat. The system is optical, so there is no quality loss, and images look clear and beautiful on a big-screen TV.

PV-GS80 Highlights

Optical Image Stabilizer Panasonic’s O.I.S. minimizes the hand-shake that can be such a problem with handheld shots. Because Panasonic’s system is optical, there is no image quality degradation. With O.I.S. , the camcorder is equipped for clear, beautiful shooting of motion pi

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