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Review Sony bloggie Touch 8GB HD 13.0MP Camcorder w/ 3” LCD Touch Screen

November 24, 2012

Sony bloggie Touch 8GB HD 13.0MP Camcorder w/ 3” LCD Touch Screen

Sony bloggie Touch 8GB HD 13.0MP Camcorder w/ 3'' LCD Touch Screen

Sony bloggie Touch 8GB HD 13.0MP Camcorder w/ 3” LCD Touch Screen features:

Just pull the Bloggie Touch camera out of your pocket and you’re ready to capture Full HD video and 12.8-megapixel still shots at a moment’s notice. You’ll notice the elegant simplicity of a single record button and a large touch screen for showcasing your shots. All the fun is stored on built-in memory, and you can easily upload your movies to your favorite social networking sites like Youtube and Facebook.

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